"The Cylinder and the Rectangle: On the Agon of Two Foundational Dispositifs in the Media Archaeology of Voice Mail"
Résumé de la conférence :
While sending sound by mail had already become possible with the advent of the phonograph in the final decades of the 19th century, the bulky and fragile cylinders hardly lent themselves to the widespread postal dissemination imagined by Thomas Edison. The first really functional platform for epistolary audio was instead inaugurated in 1905 with the advent of the Phonopostal, a French device for recording and playback of sound on specially coated Sonorine postcards. However, like Edison’s project for a phonographic mail service, the Phonopostal dispositifwas also unable to establish itself, albeit for importantly different reasons. This lecture will explore the far-ranging ramifications of the symptomatic failures of what could be described as two foundational dispositifs of voice mail.
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