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Colloque international UNIL
Generally associated with the theatrical practice and with the performance, the notion of staging played a central role throughout the whole 19th century. The reaction to the turmoil generated by the 1789 Revolution and the austerity engendered by the Terror regime gives evidence of this capacity of juggling the necessity of being seen and the act of disappearing. This aspect will increasingly develop during the 19th century, evidently supported by the growth of the industry of entertainment, the diversification of drama and performances and the mass production of visual culture.
Within this context, staging becomes a way for an individual or a group of individuals to integrate a community. It also represents a bridge between the understanding of the process of appearing and its materialization, a link between the artistic, visual and literary spaces. This symposium aims at discussing mechanisms and patterns surrounding this process by focusing on the multiple references which shaped the act of appearing and disappearing.
La journée du 22 octobre se tiendra dans le bâtiment Amphipôle, salle 340.1, celle du 23 octobre à la Grange de Dorigny