Responsables: MM. Philippe Bornet et Nicola Pozza (SLAS-Asie du Sud)
Readers access world literature as a combination of a few
literatures in their original languages and many literatures in
translation. As a discipline, translation studies should guide
interpretation and evaluation based on inter-lingual and crosscultural
comparisons mediated by translations. For this role,
translation studies must have paradigms that place theories and
practices in different cultures side by side, to explain them from
varied critical perspectives in multi-directional translation. But
such paradigms are missing from today’s dominant Euro-American
translation studies. As a large multilingual part of world literature,
Indian poetry needs three paradigms that can situate India beside
Europe for clearer mutual understanding: theories and practices of
translation, of figures and tropes, and of forms and genres. This
paper explores seminal intersections in translation theory,
figuration, and formalism with representative examples from
Sanskrit dramatic poetry, religious poetry in Hindi and Punjabi, the
Urdu ghazal, and Marathi modernist poetry.
La conférence aura lieu sur Zoom.
Pour toute personne intéressée, merci d’envoyer un courriel à Nicola Pozza: afin qu’il vous envoie le lien Zoom.