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In this short webinar, leading scholars and practitioners will offer their reactions and preliminary assessments of the very first decisions on climate change at the European Court of Human Rights.
Update: The recording of the webinar is available here: https://rec.unil.ch/videos/unil_webinar_climatejudgments/
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights decided the following three cases on the 9th April 2024:
Verein Klimaseniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, no. 53600/20
Carême v. France, no. 7189/21
Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 others, no. 39371/20
The audience will have the opportunity to ask some questions in the chat and the online event will be recorded.
The roundtable will consist of:
If you wish to prepare for the webinar, Rebecca Hamilton on Just Security recently wrote a blog post here which provides an excellent overview of the various ongoing international climate cases.